La Negra de Nadie
(Self Portrait 2017)
Monique Muse Dodd
Assistants: An An Chen, J Triangular, Kyung jin Kim La Negra de Nadie
A photographic alter ego honoring the Yoruba deity Oshun. The title which roughly translates to “the black woman who belongs to no one”, is inspired by Enrique Grau’s painting La Mulata de Cartagenera. The artist subverts the male gaze by offering an image that is both sensual but challenging to the viewer. The feminine is not only to be desired but to be honored.
The smaller photos flanking the portrait are all offerings to Oshun, the Goddess of Sensuality, Fertility and Fresh Water. This work serves as an offering to Oshun as well as a reminder of the divine feminine energy that we all carry with in us.
Whose got my back
(Self-Portrait 2018)
What happens when we internalize societies views of ourselves? \\ I process some of the wounds inflicted on me by society through self-portaiture. The wounds are invisible but the shame still permeates long after the offense has been given. This is a way for me to release the self judgement.